Residential Improvement Programs

Following the success of Cuba City’s Downtown Façade Improvement Program, we have investigated options for residential exterior improvements. There are currently three suitable programs for home owners to obtain assistance in these projects.

SWCAP has an Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program available. While there are income restrictions, the program does offer zero interest loans for a wide range of improvements, not simply exterior improvements.

WHEDA has two programs available, one of which will be reintroduced in June of 2021. Once again, these improvement programs are not limited to the exterior alone.

In addition, Rural Development is now offering a new program. The Home Repair Loan and Grant Program can provide up to $7,500 in grant assistance for elderly households and $20,000 in loan assistance to very low income households.

A Historical Tax Credit Program is available from the state, but the property must qualify as a historic site and cannot have had significant remodeling done that would eliminate its historical features.

If you are interested, please contact Bob Jones at